Rules of Success – Rule Number 12

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Winning starts with beginning

You can easily exchange the word winning with the word earning – but this is up to you.
Well earnings don’t come from nothing – you have to work for getting some earnings,
which means in this case: commission and shares from the Triple Clicks Executive Pool.

The ruler of the decision of this game is YOU! But you think: „It sounds all good to me, but I will read a little bit and I start with this business next week.“ But when next week is there you will say to you the same. This is part of our procrastination and you can find it everywhere in the today’s routine.

Procrastination means the action of delaying or postponing something. Please avoid procrastination in this business and give this top priority. Business is planing without falling into the trap of procrastination!

If you do this from the beginning you will win – if you are trapped with procrastination, your business cannot be successful and you will fail.

So start now and not tomorrow or next week. The tools you need are already there and you will find them the more you learn about the SFI system and use these tools to work for your goals – every single day.

Nobody is perfect and you should realize that you will not be able that everything is working perfectly – you can only give the best of yourself and nothing more. Continue to learn ever and ever again – and move into the right direction. Take a deep breath and see yourself as the winner.

This is what will help you in business and what will help you in life, too.

Don’t look left or right and do not look at others who failed – see those who made their way.
View those people in SFI who become BTL, STL, GTL or PTL every month.

This proves the correctness of the assumption that success can be achieved mainly through positive thinking and doing.

I wish you much of the success you desire!

Best regards
Friedrich Fritz

Rules of Success – Rule number 11

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Have a plan (a realistic plan)

Goals are important to your business life. We have discussed this matter last week.
Now it is the time to think about to build a plan.

This is easy if you use Mind Maps – you can find this software in the Internet.
I use it always in order to find a realistic way and to get a nice overview.
According to Wikipedia describes a Mind Map, developed by Tony Buzan, cognitive technique that you can use, for example, to open up opportunities and visually representing a subject or topic, or to schedule for transcripts. Here, the principle of association is to help to develop freely thoughts and to use the abilities of the brain. The mind map is created and read according to certain rules. The process or the subject area or the technique is called mind mapping.

Mind maps

Start with your Mind Map and think that SFI is truly one of the few businesses where you can earn while you learn. Think that the first 6 to 12 months is primarily your training period.

Your Mind Map should include a time course.

It will be your hardest time ever and at this point many people give up, because they want instant success, but this will not happen. A realsitic plan takes time, but this is worth waiting until your plan begins to work. The large earnings will come slowly but steadily. Educate yourself – build your downline, sell items via your TC connection page and tell your downline to do the same.

There are literature available about realistically planing a business.

Best regards and much success to you!
Friedrich Fritz

Rules of Success – Rule Number 10

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Set goals…and publish them!

As you are going to set-up your business you need at first need a business plan. This includes your goals – as your guiding principles. We have our brain full of thoughts while we are doing this business or any other business. But our focus should be on what we want to achieve.

In our Affiliate’s profile we can write down our goals: our longterm goals and our shortterm goals.
You just make your goals public, You can print-out your goals and attach it to the wall near your computer, where you do your daily work.

A goal could be your dream house or your dream car or also some other values you want to own someday.

One must proceed exact in the preparation of its goals and be honest with yourself. It is one’s self-confidence and a reflection to its strengths.
Imagine that you see the beautiful new home in front of your eyes, equipped with modern furniture – with many beautiful rooms and a large front yard.

These published goals will launch activity in your powerful subconscious mind that seems to literally ‘pull’ you towards the achievement of your goals!

Near these longterm goals you should set-up shortterm goals for every day and/or the present week.

Within your SFI Homepage there is the GOALS tab. Click on it each day and write down your goal for the day.

Then work on it until your goal is completed.

Earl Nightingale, who was a motivation coach, wrote: „People with goals succeed because they know where they are going“.

Clear goals breed good fortune. Know what you want. Keep your eyes fixed on your desires and all obstacles fade into obscurity. (Excerpt from The Lucky Book).

Best wishes and all the best!

Yours truly
Friedrich Fritz

Rules of Success – Rule Number 9

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Open your eyes to your potential

Anyone has the potential inside themselves. There is no special talent needed – it is not acquired with the breast milk of our mothers. But not anybody has yet recognized it, because nobody teaches you it: neither our schools, government, teachers, professors and even the church don’t teach you this. We all grew up without this knowledge.

During our lives we have been accustomed to remain in this mediocrity. With this setting, we stay alone and be able to have any significant business success. We live in society with other compliant and strive with compromises to pave the way through our lives.

We think that this is the normal achievment in life and that real success can only be reached by the prviledged people. We think we are un-priviledged.

Those prviledged people have the same background as the rest, but they have soon learned how to escape from the ‘normal behavior’ . They have suddenly broken out of these artifical constraints.
This can anyone do. There are a lot of examples to this statement to substantiate.

Napoleon Hill wrote his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ at the age of 22 which can open the eyes of the unknown human being and David Schwartz wrote about ‘The Magic Of Thinking Big’.

Margaret (also called Molly) Brown is best known for her luck in surviving the crash of the Titanic. She also got lucky in love. Prior to marrying her husband Jim Brown, she had decided that she needed to marry a rich man in order to provide for her father. But she soon realized that she loved Jim and that, even though he ‘was as poor as we were, and had no better chance in life… that I’d be better off with a poor man whom I loved than with a wealthy one whose money had attracted me.’
Margaret chose Jim and, years later, he went to make a sizeable fortune.
(Excerpt from ‘The Lucky Book’ of Hatherleigh, a Tripleclicks item).

At TripleClicks we are fortunate to have one of the world’s most famous success experts and authors, Jack Zufelt, as one of our ECAs. Jack opens your eyes to your true and real potential.
He has been interviewed on over 2000 radio and TV talk shows.

You can check out his literary treasure here:

That great help comes from within is the ingenious approach in transaction analysis.
The potential lies dormant in us to himself, and only needs to be awakened.
If it is once released, this potential can develop limitless.

I wish you all the success you need.

Friedrich Fritz